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Founders Diamond & Executive Diamond Mike Kwan & Wei Wei

Focus On What You Sow Rather Than What You Reap

Mike was a hawker who owned 3 noodle stalls that generated a considerable income. Yet he was far from living his ideal life. When his health deteriorated due to his hectic schedule, he decided to look for new opportunities.

Mike’s interest in Amway was piqued when his sponsor talked about a lifestyle where he could “wake up without an alarm” and “retire at a young age”. So he made use of his after work hours and 3 years 8 months later, he became a full-time ABO. As a result, his Amway business not only gave him the time freedom he desired, i.e. to wake up without an alarm clock, he had also gained financial independence in addition to owning his dream house and car, as well as living an extraordinary life.

Wei Wei was a regular employee before she opted for a “workation” retreat in New Zealand. When she discovered that the grass wasn’t always greener on the other side, she returned home. When she was introduced to Amway, she made a commitment to achieve the time freedom she desired by putting considerable effort into her part-time Amway business.

Without a doubt, they both owe their present success to the far-sightedness and motivation of their sponsor. They also realised this, “Choice is more important than hard work. You need to invest time to gain the success you desire.”

During the pandemic, they overcame various challenges by sticking to their goals to qualify as Founders Diamond and Executive Diamond. Moving forward, besides focusing on helping their team members achieve the Diamond pin level, they have also pledged to be part of the Founders Council in the next five years.

For them, the key to overcoming the challenges in growing an Amway business is to develop problem-solving skills. And the secret to achieving a breakthrough and reaching the peak of an Amway career is to continue fine tuning and practicing the fundamentals of the business repeatedly.

Make it a habit to set goals, then overcome the obstacles to achieve thoes goals. For Mike and Wei Wei, they viewed the hurdles and challenges they encountered as a necessary step in their growth, “Your achievement is the greatest reward after all your hard work.”

For aspiring fellow ABOs, they would like to share this message: 

“Focus on what you sow rather than what you reap.”

“Instead of worrying about your failure, expect your success.”